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Arte é Inovação (Art is Innovation) is a branch of Polo Cultural that seeks to promote projects that expand the possibilities of art through innovative initiatives, with the mission of expanding the meaning of innovation beyond new technologies, and also exploring the relationship between innovative art and education.

During its festivals, the project organizes panel discussions on topics related to new artistic manifestations, with the participation of renowned artists who carry out interventions in public spaces in São Paulo. The festival's proposal is to provide an immersive experience, where the audience becomes co-creators of the performances. The project was also broadcast live on social media. In terms of education, it included workshops to train teachers in the culture of indigenous peoples through interactions led by leaders of the national indigenous movement.

Art Is Innovation" seeks to foster artistic innovation and promote dialog between art, innovation and education.

Find out more about the previous editions of the project: 2019 | 2020 | 2023

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