Direct from the stage of the Viradalata theater in São Paulo, Mel Lisboa presents the first season of the Arte Talk show.
The program welcomes guests for a humorous and relaxed chat about literature, cinema, art and music. As well as highlighting independent art, the content aims to talk about art and culture outside the most commercial circuits.
CINEMAAugust 31st- 9pm
Mel Lisboa chats about cinema with director and producer Matias Mariani, of Cidade Pássaro, (which premiered at the Berlinale in 2020) and director, screenwriter and filmmaker Viviane Ferreira, of Um Dia com Jerusa, who is also a lawyer specializing in copyright and an activist in the black movement. The conversation also touches on characters that are not common on screen and the national film scene.
PLASTICARTSSeptember 6th- 9pm
Mel Lisboa talks to Fábio Almeida Prado, dealer and curator of the Almeida Prado gallery, whose portfolio includes exclusive pieces by artists such as Volpi, Oscar Niemeyer, Tomie Ohtake, Athos Bulcão, Sérgio Rodrigues, Jorge Zalszupin and Michel Arnoult; and visual artist and muralist Hanna Lucatelli, whose works portray women in an empowered and active way.
LITERATURESeptember 13th- 9pm
Mel Lisboa talks to Mariana Félix, slamer and writer, who has published three books on female empowerment and the emancipation of black women, and journalist and editor Heloisa Belluzzo, founding partner of Êxito Editorial (now Heloisa Belluzzo Editora) where the Dama dos Livros imprint is the main literary segment and gives a voice to the female public. The talk covers topics such as: Democratization of literature, an open relationship with poetry, valuing women's narratives and various subjects on literature and feminism.
MUSICSeptember 20th- 9pm
In the conversation about music, Mel Lisboa talks to Mário Manga, musician and composer, who played for 25 years in outstanding bands such as Premê /Premeditando o Breque, a musical group from São Paulo created in 1976, and Música Ligeira, with Rodrigo Rodrigues and Fabio Tagliaferri, and Lupa Santiago, guitarist and composer specializing in jazz and instrumental music, with 24 CDs to his name. The conversation also covers topics such as rock, music production, instrumental music as well as careers, politics and the evolution of styles.