The Stage

Through a partnership between PoloCultural (OSCIP), public schools and private sponsorship, the project serves children and young people from public schools in São Paulo. The project has existed since 2005, having initially been implemented in the North Zone of the city, expanded to the South Zone, serving communities of high social vulnerability, and is now also carried out in cities in the interior of the state of São Paulo.

A project led by #Artists that can be assimilated by the #School.


  • Creation of a multi-purpose room in the school.
  • Set up art courses for children and teenagers with the school management.
  • Organization of classes with artist educators and teachers interested in expanding local cultural activities.
  • Dance, music and theater courses in the after-school hours.
  • Aesthetic interactions with invited professional artists.
  • Performances at the school itself, CEUs, Houses of Culture and other cultural facilities around the school.


Creativity and art give meaning to life, facilitate the exercise of citizenship and promote the social inclusion of children and young people living in areas of greater social vulnerability.

The aim of the project is not to train artists, although PoloCultural has revealed some young people who have decided to become professionals in the arts.

The premiere, the rehearsals, the applause, have a profound influence on the formation of young people. The preparation that leads up to The Stage is full of compromises and discoveries, and in it the young person prepares to face the general public and gain recognition on stage and in life.

The Stage - Experience for young people.

The Stage currently serves an average of 1,200 young people in cultural workshops held in 10 different locations.

In each region, the project involves young people in putting on a big show that is performed in a theater for the surrounding community. The Palco experience is extended with other performances scheduled at different Palcos in the cities. An average audience of 1,000 spectators per school is estimated.

Promoting this experience on stage is teaching young people that they can develop through art:

And that he can conquer:

How we got here


The organization was born from the publication of the "Cantareira Manifesto" signed by dozens of artists and their representative bodies in 1998, calling for the decentralization of culture in the city of São Paulo.

Since then, PoloCultural has been working to decentralize resources, equipment and cultural activities.

From 2004 onwards, the organization began to emphasize the process of training children and young people, contributing to the implementation of public policies, directing efforts towards making agreements, managing projects carried out via tax incentive laws, and seeking to maintain good relations with its supporters.